Achieving financial independence is a long-term journey that requires discipline, strategic decision-making, and patience. As a financial planner with 30 years of experience, I have seen firsthand how adopting smart financial habits early can lead to a secure and prosperous future. This white paper isdesigned for young Australians in their 20s and 30s who aspire […]
A classic question that pre-retires seeking retirement planning advice is, “Can I go back to work after I have accessed my superannuation.” The typical reason for this question is that pre-retirees have generally been working for 40+ years and they are unsure whether they will enjoy all the free time that retirement offers. We are creatures […]
As you approach your 50s, retirement planning takes on a new level of importance and meaning.For many, this stage of life has been about building a career, raising a family, and making financial choices for a stable future. However, as you enter your 50s, shifting your focus toward the next chapter of life is crucial. […]
Bequeathing Your Estate to Your Children: Testamentary Trust vs Direct Inheritance In Australia, estate planning is a crucial step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according toyour wishes and in the most financially beneficial way for your beneficiaries. One option available toyou is to bequeath your estate to your children via a testamentary trust, […]
When deciding whether to pay off a mortgage or contribute to superannuation, especially for a high-income earner like yourself (earning over $150,000 per annum), there are several factors to consider. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages depending on your financialsituation, goals, and preferences. Below is a comparison to help you weigh […]
As a financial planner, one common concern many clients have is deciding when and how to transferwealth to their children. While leaving an inheritance in your will is a traditional approach, someprefer to gift money while still alive. This strategy can offer several benefits but also carriespotential risks. Below, we’ll explore the key advantages and […]
Investing in property through a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) has become a popularstrategy among Australians seeking to build wealth for retirement. However, while the prospect of owning property within your super fund might seem like a golden opportunity, it comes with significant risks, complexities, and compliance challenges that investors often overlook. This article will delve […]
Planning for retirement is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make, especially if you are between the ages of 40 and 70. With various options available, it’s crucial to understand the pros and cons of each to ensure your retirement income meets your needs. This article will explore three popular choices for Australians: […]
Choosing the right school for your children is a practical yet complex decision, with public, Catholic, andprivate schools, each presenting advantages. When discussing school fees, it’s essential to recognise that they go beyond tuition fees and can covercosts, including extracurricular activities, facility improvements, excursions, uniforms, and stationery. Additional costs may arise if your child participates […]
The debate between playing it safe and taking calculated risks continues in the world of investments. Butcan you afford to be overly conservative over the long term, or is there value in embracing calculatedrisks? The Appeal of Conservative Investments Opting for safe investments like bonds, cash and term deposits, provides a sense of security, especiallyduring […]