Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethical Investment

Recently we have been made aware of the reputational damage sustained by Rio Tinto as a result of the destruction of 46,000-year-old archaeological treasures.  Rio Tinto is Australia’s 12th largest company based on market capitalisation – a very large and profitable company with a very strong balance sheet. Based on the above should you remove […]

Beware of fixed-income investments

With interest rates at historical lows, the stock market negatively affected by COVID-19, banks cutting interest rates on term deposits and their dividends to shareholders. The property market’s value predicted to decline, there is no doubt that we can be attracted to investments offering a fixed income without the abovementioned volatility. The Australian Securities and […]

Worried about finances post COVID? Choose the right Financial Planner to help reach your goals and plan for the future.

During these turbulent times, we are all reading negative headlines such as “property prices are set to decline by up to 20%”, “unemployment is suggested to double to 10%” and “business will not recover until a vaccine is found for COVID–19”.  With headlines like these, it’s no wonder we’ve got financial jitters. Currently, many people […]

Minimising your tax & superannuation tips during Covid-19

With 30 June 2020 rapidly approaching now is the time to consider whether there are any tax-effective strategies that may be applicable to you, as well as the government’s policies available for those impacted by COVID-19. For those impacted by COVID-19, you may wish to consider the following superannuation assistance: Early release of superannuation.  If […]

Things to consider if you are experiencing cash flow difficulties during COVID-19

Now more than ever we all require quality financial advice. COVID-19 has created a very unprecedented and uncertain time. Many readers, if not most, will be experiencing some form of cash flow difficulties. Some readers may have been made redundant while others have reduced working hours. Retirees may not be receiving the same rental income […]

As a result of COVID-19 does your business need more cash to remain operating?

If your family business needs cash flow in addition to the withdrawal of the $10,000 per member in the 2020 and 2021 financial years, a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can explore a related party transaction where the SMSF lends to the business an amount not exceeding 5% of the assets of the SMSF. The Superannuation […]