
Is now the time to buy an investment property?

There has been much discussion and commentary over the past 24 months about Chinese investors pushing up or inflating property prices, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney. Chinese investors have invested more than $40 billion in 2012 and 2013 according to purchases tracked through the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB). But is the tide starting to […]

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Data Matching Individual Tax Returns

The ATO contacted nearly 400,000 taxpayers who reported different financial information in their 2014 income tax returns to the information that they had collected from other third parties. Nine out of ten income tax returns where amended as a result of the ATO receiving this third party information. The main areas of variance in the […]

Are you a property investor? Are you purchasing property in a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)?

If you are a property investor and you are investing in real estate then you should consider having more than one self managed superannuation fund (SMSF). In New South Wales the threshold for land tax is $432,000. That is for every dollar of land value over this amount there is 1.6% land tax plus $100 […]

Family Trust vs Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF).

As a direct result of focus being placed on SMSF’s less attention has been directed to the merits of the family trust. Family trusts still provide tremendous flexibility as a vehicle for managing investment portfolios and family wealth. Rather than as a comparison to SMSF’s, the family trust compliments the SMSF. A family trust is […]

Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) and furnished apartments or holiday homes.

SMSF’s are allowed to borrow to purchase an investment property within their Superannuation Fund as long as they adhere to the provisions of Sect. 67A of the SIS Act. One of the many requirements of Section 67A (i) (a) is that the superannuation fund is permitted to acquire a single acquirable asset. An apartment, home […]