Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) and furnished apartments or holiday homes.

SMSF’s are allowed to borrow to purchase an investment property within their Superannuation Fund as long as they adhere to the provisions of Sect. 67A of the SIS Act. One of the many requirements of Section 67A (i) (a) is that the superannuation fund is permitted to acquire a single acquirable asset. An apartment, home […]

Planning for your future retirement

Planning for your retirement is very different from normal everyday financial planning. Common everyday financial planning involves planning to achieve our personal goals, such as, planning for an overseas holiday, a house or home unit, an investment property, upgrading to a bigger residence etc. Our personal goals are generally centred around our wants as opposed […]

Save fees and charges – Consolidate your Superannuation Funds

Based on report prepared by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 45% of Australians have two or more superannuation accounts. That amounts to approximately 6.3 million Australians. More disturbing is the statistics that there were 665,300 accounts that the superannuation fund has lost contact with the member. The ATO Assistant Commissioner of Superannuation, John Shepherd stated […]

Review your superannuation strategy.

Approximately 84% of Australians are retiring on $21,000 or less per year. The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) states that for a comfortable retirement an Individual requires $42,604 per annum and a couple $58,364 per annum. The ASFA defines “comfortable” retirement as; “Comfortable retirement lifestyle – Enabling an older, healthy retiree to be […]

Lump Sum Superannuation Death Benefits – Eligible Beneficiaries & Taxation Consequences

Eligible Beneficiaries For a binding death benefit nomination to be valid, an eligible beneficiary must be nominated.  To be eligible, a beneficiary must be either your Estate or meet the definition of a Dependant as defined under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 Cth.  Section 10 of the Act defines a Dependant as including ‘… […]

Consider a family trust as an investment vehicle

Many taxpayers and investors consider self managed superannuation funds as an investment vehicle of choice but few consider the merits of a discretionary trust or a family trust. What is a Discretionary Trust? A trust is essentially a structure where the “trustee” holds assets on behalf of other person (s) being the “beneficiaries” An example […]