Have you considered buying a property through your Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)

Most experts agree that property in an essential investment within an appropriate investment portfolio. However, most people who have property investment do so through large property trusts. Unfortunately, as a result of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) many of these investments were and in some cases are still frozen and accordingly investors cannot get access […]

Avoiding the hype: 6 pragmatic tips for buying an investment property

When it comes to purchasing an investment property, you want to maximise the return on your investment and avoid being lured in by marketing gimmicks and media hype. Here are six tips for becoming a savvy property investor… Get a good rental return The first aspect you should check is whether the gross rental return […]

Your 6-Point Checklist When Buying Shares – I.S.A.D.I.V.

When you purchase shares, you’re investing in a company. So you want to invest in companies that will give you a good return on your investment without jeopardising the security of your investment capital. Here are six points to consider when selecting your shares. You’ll notice the points spell I.S.A.D.I.V. (referring to “Is a dividend”) […]

New Financial Year resolutions for small and medium businesses strategic planning

The new financial year is now here and with so many new changes on the horizon for small and medium sized businesses, it’s important to make sure that your financial goals and business resolutions are in line so that you (and your business) can have the most successful 2015 financial year.  This week we provide […]

Structure your assets for maximum benefit

Financial Planning, Investment Advice, Investment advice, Self Managed Superannuation Many business owners struggle with whether to hold their business assets as an individual or as a company. However, for many reasons, holding assets in a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can be a better strategy. This strategy suits business owners who want to legally minimize […]

Advantages & Disadvantages of buying property with your superannuation

More and more Australians are not only considering managing their own superannuation but are deliberating whether to invest that superannuation into direct property. Ordinarily Australians considering purchasing property with their superannuation, whether commercial or residential, need to also consider borrowing monies in their superannuation as they do not have sufficient cash to purchase the property […]