Many of us have difficulty understanding how we can be financially responsible for a debt or liability through no fault of our own. A common example is where we act as guarantor for someone for, say, a car loan (for example, your son), and your son cannot make the repayments. If the car is repossessed, […]
Category Archives: Articles
From my experience as a tax accountant, financial planner and a parent, I have had the opportunity to review many clients’ personal financial balance sheets, tax returns and personal net wealth. Below are five financial planning tips that I believe that we should be teaching our children. But before I delve onto those five tips […]
Do you earn income from overseas investments? The Australian Taxation Office is targeting Australian taxpayers who are not declaring their earnings from overseas investments. Generally speaking, an Australian resident taxpayer is taxed on his or her worldwide income, regardless whether that same income is taxed overseas. Typically foreign income includes income earned on overseas investments, […]
Do you have a Self Managed Superannuation Fund? Are you one of the 17,700 trustees who have received a letter from the ATO questioning the asset diversification of your fund? The ATO has sent a letter to 17,700 trustees of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) questioning whether the assets within the Superannuation fund are too concentrated […]
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the results of their 2017/2018 Income and Housing Survey. This survey measures household wealth by adding up all the assets owned by the household and subtracting all debts. In summary the key finding were: the average household wealth is $1.02 million the average household wealth has increased by […]
Your financial well-being and plans for the future can be impacted by various economic events, so below is a video to assist you to stay up to date with the latest indicators. Australia’s All Ordinaries Index and ASX200 finally broke through their 2007 record highs set before the GFC. While there is speculation on the […]
We all know how to spend but do we know how to save? The following quick quiz will help you determine whether you are comfortable with the success of your saving and investment habits. Do you remember the first full-time salary you earned? If so write it down. Do you know the highest salary you […]
Based on an ABC report, almost 50% of Australian adults have unmet financial advice needs. More Australians need financial planning assistance but they are unsure how to select a prudent financial planner, particularly after the finding of the recent Bank Royal Commission. A good financial planner should be able to help you achieve your financial […]
Will you be able to finance your Retirement? Legislation changes to superannuation over the past 12 years mean we cannot leave retirement planning until our 50’s and 60’s. One of the most important changes is the amount we can contribute to our superannuation fund. In 2005 you could salary sacrifice up to $100,587 into super. […]
Some taxpayers appear to be claiming the same investment property related expenses that they have always claimed in their tax return. However, there have been a number of changes over the past few years the main two are: 1. Travel In the past you were able to claim a tax deduction for travel expenses to […]