Category Archives: Articles

Are you claiming working-from-home expenses as a tax deduction?  

Are you claiming working-from-home expenses as a tax deduction?

Working-from-home deductions are an audit target by the A.T.O. this financial year.   The A.T.O. appears concerned that taxpayers claiming their work-from-home tax deduction will simply copy and paste their claim for this year from their previous tax returns.   The A.T.O. surmises that taxpayers’ overall deductions for working from home should be reduced,  principally because the […]

Money Smart – what young adults need to know about money

Money Smart – what young adults need to know about money

In today’s modern age, there’s a concerning fact that demands urgent attention: the alarming decline in financial literacy among young adults. While this term is broadly used in the monetary realm, it is essential for you to understand its core value in manifesting overall wealth.   As a skill that will lay the groundwork for your […]

Timing your superannuation payments  

It is fast approaching 30 June 2024.  To ensure that you can claim a tax deduction for your superannuation contribution, the superannuation fund must receive the contribution before 30 June 2024. With most tax-deductible expenses, you can claim your tax deduction in the year that the tax-deductible expense was paid.  However, superannuation contributions are different; […]

Are you considering making personal contributions to your superannuation fund prior to 30 June 2024? 

Super Contributions

The maximum annual tax-deductible contribution you can make to your superannuation fund is $27,500.  However, you may also be eligible for “carry forward unused contributions”.   What do the maximum annual tax-deductible contributions include?   It is important to note that the limit of $27,500 includes all the following contributions: Note, if you are on a […]

Do you know that from 1 July this year, you may gain a tax deduction? 

Do you know that from 1 July this year, you may gain a tax deduction?

From 1 July 2024, the annual limit on tax-deductible contributions to your superannuation fund will increase by $2,500 from $27,500 to $30,000.  These concessional or tax-deductible contributions include the sum of;  When your salary sacrifices superannuation contributions or makes personal tax-deductible superannuation contributions to your superannuation fund, these contributions will be recognised as income in […]

From Generation to Generation: Best Practices for Distributing Your Wealth

From Generation to Generation: Best Practices for Distributing Your Wealth

When transitioning your wealth to your children, you must know the legal and tax implications that may affect your estate. While every country has its rules, this blog will focus on the Australian context, shedding light on some key points to consider when planning your wealth succession. Inheritance Tax: A Non-issue in Australia Unlike many […]