Category Archives: Articles

Benefits of buying your business premises in your superannuation fund?

Purchasing commercial premises using your superannuation can be a financial rewarding investment strategy.   By way of background, since the 1980’s people have been managing their own superannuation. Unfortunately, in the 1980’s the only investments were shares or cash. Not many investors had accumulated sufficient cash in their superannuation fund to purchase property, certainly not […]

Should the trustee of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) be a company or the individual members?

When you establish a SMSF you need to decide on the trustee structure. You can choose from either of the following; up to four individual trustees, or a corporate trustee  In the case of individual trustee of the Self Managed Superannuation (SMSF) there can be no more than four members and each member must be […]

The Importance of SMSF documentation

In Taxpayer Alert 2012/7 the Australian Taxation Office warns Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) trustees and adviser to exercise due diligience and care.  If a poorly executed investment leads to contraventions of the SIS Act the trustee may face disqualification, prosecution and penalties notwithstanding the trustee’s (mum and dad’s) lack of involvement in the transaction. […]

Purchase business property in your superannuation fund (SMSF)

Superannuation legislation allows Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) to borrow to invest provided certain conditions are satisfied. If you are a business owner, you may now be able to use your superannuation and borrow to buy your business premises within your SMSF. This arrangement offers some advantages: Your SMSF receives all income and capital growth, […]

Will you have enough money for retirement?

According to the ASFA Retirement Standard June 2013 quarter, below is the annual budget needed by Australians to fund a comfortable standard of living in their retirement years.     Expenses ASFA Modest Standard of Living ASFA Comfortable Standard of Living Housing – ongoing only $59.40 $83.14 Energy $54.64 $56.62 Food $153.92 $191.07 Clothing $29.15 […]

No tax on deceased estate pensions

March 14th, 2013 | Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Investment Advice, Superannuation Under draft regulations released recently by the Federal Government, superannuation funds will be exempt from tax on pension stream assets for deceased estates.  These amendments give superannuation funds the right to tax exemption on investment earnings from assets that support a pension stream following a […]

Property fastest growing investment asset of SMSFs

28th February, 2013 | Self Managed Superannuation, Financial Planning, Investment Advice Australians love to combine their need to fund for their retirement with their love for property.  And if you have a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), residential and commercial property are quickly becoming the fastest growing investment assets within this structure.