Category Archives: Articles

Superannuation: what percentage of your income should you save for your retirement?

June 2nd, 2010 | Consumer News, Financial Planning News Superannuation is one of the most tax-effective ways of saving for retirement.  But it is important to ensure that you save enough money to live comfortably. For most people, after their home, superannuation will be the largest asset they have once they finish work.

Should a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) own or rent its own premises?

December 6th, 2010 | Accounting News, Financial Planning News, Legal News, Small Business News The challenge of deciding between buying and renting your business premises is one that faces many small business owners.  Since this is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make, it is important to take into consideration the advantages and […]

Beware of illegal schemes offering early access to super

September 21st, 2009 | Consumer News, Financial Planning News There is currently a range of illegal schemes and plans that exist that are offering unsuspecting taxpayers access to their superannuation savings before retirement.  The promoters of these plans will tell you that they are able to access your super savings for reasons such as paying […]