Category Archives: Articles

Understanding the Distribution of Superannuation Funds After Death

What happens to your superannuation when you die?

It’s a common misconception that a last will and testament dictates the distribution of all assets, including superannuation, upon one’s demise. Most envision that upon their passing, their tangible assets – such as homes, vehicles, savings, furnishings, investment portfolios, and superannuation funds – will be allocated and disseminated according to the directives explicitly stated in […]

The advantages of investing early and diversifying your portfolio.

The advantages of investing early and diversifying your portfolio.

You may have heard the saying, “No risk, no reward”. But did you know that making incremental investments and diversifying your portfolio over time can mitigate the risk of market volatility and be rewarding in the long haul?  Investing: Risks When people think about investing, they tend to focus on the potential to receive a […]

Are you in your 50’s? Children finished School? It’s time to start planning for a ‘comfortable retirement’.

Comfortable retirement

What will your retirement look like? Research states that to experience a long, enjoyable retirement, you need to: Should you require further information in relation to your planning a comfortable retirement, please feel free to contact Peter Quinn by submitting an enquiry or calling us on +61 2 9580 9166 to book an obligation free […]

Maximise Your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund: Key Tips for Preparing and Updating Your Investment Strategy

Maximise Your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund: Key Tips for Preparing and Updating Your Investment Strategy

As you are no doubt aware, every superannuation fund is required by law to have a complying investment strategy. The investment strategy should have an explanation of: It makes sense when establishing your investment strategy that you consider the following. Note that there is no right or wrong investment strategy. The investment strategy will depend […]

Should you buy personal insurance through your superannuation fund?

Should you buy personal insurance through your superannuation fund?

Your superannuation fund can generally provide different types of life insurance or personal insurance. Life insurance and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) are generally available through superannuation. Also, other protection, such as accidental death and injury insurance, as well as critical illness or trauma coverage, are available. Should you insure through super? Using your super […]

Do you have a self-managed superannuation fund?

Do you have a self-managed superannuation fund?

Does your accountant prepare your financial statements in Australia, or is your financial information processed offshore? At Quinn Consultants (our taxation and accounting arm of the business) and Quinn Financial Planning (our financial planning and investment division), all taxation, accounting, and financial planning is done within Australia. It is becoming more prevalent for accountancy and […]

Are you a Director of a company?

Protection of assets. Many business owners choose to operate their business through a corporate structure. Running a business can be fraught with pitfalls and risks, particularly during times of high inflation. Separating your business and personal assets helps to segregate your business risks away from your personal assets. The business risk could involve a lawsuit […]

Did you know that 40% of people will face a cancer diagnosis by the time they reach 85?

Did you know that 40% of people will face a cancer diagnosis by the time they reach 85?

What impact would a traumatic event have on you and your family? Trauma events encompass severe medical conditions that have the potential to affect the well-being of you or your loved one. These include conditions like: Conditions like cancer and strokes can strike without warning, affecting the person facing the illness and the entire family. […]