Category Archives: Articles

Business Owners – Are you considering providing Christmas gifts to your staff?

The key questions that we are asked this time of year are; will the staff gifts be subject to Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) and will the provision of the gift to the staff member(s) be tax deductible. Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) With regard to Fringe Benefit Tax, the Australian Taxation Office (A.T.O.) generally look at […]

Do you operate a business? Are you considering gifting your clients Christmas presents?

As business owners, we like to show our appreciation to clients that have shown us loyalty particularly during these disruptive COVID times. Christmas is the perfect time to acknowledge and demonstrate our gratitude. Better still, even though this is a ‘gift’, your business is entitled to a tax deduction where the ‘gift’ is made to […]

Are you a director of a company?

Due to recent legislation changes, company directors need to obtain a director identification number (director ID) to prevent fraudulent activity and to help curb illegal phoenixing activity. ASIC definition of Illegal Phoenixing Activity Under the new laws, directors appointed on or before 31 October 2021 have until 30 November 2022 to apply, however, directors are encouraged to submit […]

Is your Superannuation in any of Australia’s worst-performing superannuation funds?

As a result of the recommendations by the Productivity Commissioner, the Federal Government has ensured members’ retirement savings are protected from underperforming funds by subjecting superannuation funds to an annual objective performance test based on their net investment returns. The first annual performance review has been concluded and 13 funds have FAILED the test. Please […]

COVID, finances and financial planning for you

COVID, finances, your financial planning What to look for when choosing a financial planner Based on an ABC report, almost 50% of Australian adults have unmet financial advice needs. More Australians need financial planning assistance but they are unsure how to select a prudent financial planner, particularly after the finding of the recent Bank Royal […]

Review your superannuation and personal insurance

Superannuation and personal insurance changes – Review your super Buying insurance through super has many advantages, but you need to make sure you are getting the right type of cover for your individual needs. Also, in some cases, you may be paying for nothing. Most super funds offer life insurance and total and permanent disability […]