Protect your estate
for your family and loved ones
Estate planning is a subject we often don’t like to think about. But careful planning is vital for a safe and smooth transfer of your wealth to your loved ones. An effective estate plan will pass on the assets you worked so hard to acquire without burdening your beneficiaries with unnecessary taxes or unclear endowments.
Determine the future of your wealth
Estate planning lets you choose how and when your wealth should be distributed to your loved ones. It gives you control over your legacy. It will also determine how your assets will be managed if you become unable to take care of them.
Minimise tax
When your estate is passed on, your wealth may be taxed in a number of different ways, including capital gains tax, and tax on income your loved ones will generate from their inheritance. An effective estate plan will minimise these taxes, so your beneficiaries keep more of their inheritance.
Protect your beneficiaries’ inheritance
A careful estate plan will protect your beneficiaries’ inheritance in the event of a divorce or bankruptcy. It can also ensure that your assets will transfer to your loved ones smoothly and reduce the risk of family disputes.