FREE SEMINAR – Last chance to register

SUPERANNUATION Seminar . . . Last Chance to Register – Limited places available!


Take control of your superannuation, minimise your tax and increase the performance of your super fund with proven investment strategies.

Last chance to register for our Sydney Seminar – 29 & 30 May 2012. How to Maximise the Performance of Your Superannuation

Many superannuation funds have lost money – now is the time to take control.

You are invited to attend a special (and free!) presentation from The Quinn Group.

As a result of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) many investors have received unsatisfactory returns on their superannuation.

Simply keeping your money in a bank account to preserve capital or relying on the interest you earn may not be the most effective way to reach your long-term investment goals.

Superannuation remains a tax-effective structure in which to accumulate wealth and there are some key strategies to use before 30 June 2012 to make the most of these opportunities.

If you would like to take control of your superannuation, minimise your tax and increase the performance of your super fund with proven investment strategies, you are invited to attend a special (and free!) presentation by The Quinn Group.

If you wish to attend one of our two complimentary information evenings, just complete the online enquiry form stating which venue you wish to attend.  Alternatively, you can call us on +61 2 9580 9166 to secure your place or you can download and print the registration form, and return to us via mail or fax.