Vinnies 2017 CEO Sleepout

After much success last year, I’ve decided to do the CEO Sleepout once again. Homelessness in Australia is an issue that sits under the radar for most of us. I feel that as a community, it is up to us to make a positive difference to those who need a hand up when things get tough. This is why I have once again committed by time and support to the 2017 CEO Sleepout. Prior to getting married and having a family, I spent Christmas Day as a volunteer preparing and serving lunch to the homeless at Matthew Talbot Hostel in Woolloomooloo. The enormity of the attendance shocked and overwhelmed me. Surprisingly, many of the attendees were very successful professionals that were also alcoholics which resulted in them eventually losing their job, several attendees were retrenched from the work force and were unable to find replacement employment, a number of attendees suffered from depression and anxiety, others had been through divorce and received little or no support from family and friends. The homeless need more assistance and we as a community need to recognise that we have a homeless problem that needs more awareness. The CEO Sleepout will hopefully bring more attention to this problem which in turn will facilitate the  development and implementation of solutions for this crisis. That is why, no matter how small a contribution, I ask that you please help me make a difference. Sponsor me today at: